It's a good thing Jesus did his thing in early April because it means that I got off of work on the same day as the thirty-fifth annual opening day of The Elephant's Trunk Flea Market. For all those who haven't been to The Elephant's Trunk just imagine any other out-door flea market that you may have been to and you'll have a pretty good idea of what you missed. But flea market season is the best season of the year because it means buying whatever nonsense you're lucky enough to find for whatever price you're able to haggle to.
In addition to having great stuff, flea markets are one of the best places for people watching. This morning I witnessed a brief conversation in which two very burly men shouted, in manner unnecessarily aggressive, about the price of some tinker-toys. I also heard, in passing and without context, the phrase "morbidly over-priced".
At the end of the excursion I was very pleased with my finds: one pair of white, knock-off Ray Bans - $5, and the complete first season of Battlestar Galactica - $15 (current Best Buy price $44.99).
Here are the glasses being fashioned by my lovely assistant.